I am extremely proud to be a Girl. I admit that it always comes with challenges and setbacks because our culture and society don’t seem to embrace the fact that we are all equal and seem to think our major role is reproducing and taking care of men. 


Every few days of the month, we are often declared unclean and dirty. People actually think it’s just about bleeding but don’t think about the pain involved in menstrual cramps. Most of us dread this period and we always seem to forget the most beautiful thing about being a woman, that is, we are creators. 


We have the ability to give birth to new generations. We carry those little things in our wombs for nine months, give birth and nurture them into what they might become in future. Another thing that makes me proud to be a girl is the fact that I can multi task. 


My parents don’t know this but whenever they gave me multiple chores to do at the same time, they were training me to become a great manager and a person who can handle many tasks at the same time. The various challenges that come with being a girl don’t make me feel any less of a human being. They motivate me to become even more, to prove to the world that just because I was born a female doesn’t mean am less and that I can do anything I set out to do. I plan to get out there, and make a name for myself. 


Article by Esther Wambui Mentoring and Empowerment Camps Alumni