Miniskirts in Schools
When i was in High school, We used to get uniform skirts sooo long, you had to step on them while walking and sometimes even fall down…Recently, there has been a debate over Honorable Mutula’s response regarding wearing of short skirts after a school goes on strike after their head teacher refused them to!! I […]
Scrapbook Poem
Making this scrapbook won’t ruin my day Although its components are mostly ‘bout pain From child abuse To rape at age 2, To sexual harassment to women who do Not deserve to be treated in such a manner Why such stories make the paper leads one to wonder What readers and editors do to change […]
About the Resource Center
This is the Resource Center for Women and Girls (RCWG) blog where the Mentoring and Empowerment Camp for Girls is the tool which we seek to achieve personal transformation and empowerment for young African girls so that they are better prepared to participate in the leadership and development of the African continent among other programs. […]